WB Public Administrations
Relevant institutions / bodies
- Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-corruption (MAPA)
- Ministry of Finance (MoF)
- Minister of State for Local Government
- Minister of State and Chief Negotiator
- OPM /Department for Polices and EU Integration (Secretariat for EU Integration)
- OPM/ Department of Regulatory Legal Acts of Council of Ministers
- Department of Public Administration (DoPA)
- Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA)
- State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination (SASPAC)
- National Agency of Information Society (NAIS/AKSHI)
- Agency for Dialogue and Co-Governance (ADB)
- Public Procurement Agency (PPA)
- Agency for Support of Local Government (ASLG)
Strategic framework
- National Strategy for Development and EU Integration (NSDEI) 2022-2030
- PAR Roadmap 2023-2030 EN language
- Digital Agenda of Albania and its Action Plan 2022 – 2026
- Public Finance Management Strategy (PFM) 2023-2030 and Action Plan 2023-2026
- Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Governance2023-2030
- Economic Reform Programme (ERP) 2024-2026
- National Plan for EU Integration (NPEI) 2024-2026
- National Action Plan for Implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) 2023-2025 EN language
- National Action Plan for Implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) 2023-2025
- Excerpt from Appendix 1, Annex I CID C(2024) 7375 final EN language
Legislative Framework
- Constitution of the Republic of Albania
- Code of Administrative Procedures of the Republic of Albania (CAP) – Law 44/2015
- Law 9000/2003, On the organization and functioning of the Council of Ministers
- Law 90/2012, On the organization and functioning of the State Administration
- Law 152/2013, On the civil servant, as amended
- Law 7961/1995, Labour Code, as amended
- Law 9936/2008, On the management of the budgetary system in the Republic of Albania, as amended and the respective bylaws (Organic Budget Law)
- Law 10296/2010, On financial management and control, as amended, and the respective bylaws
- Law 9584 /2006 "On salaries, bonuses and organizational structure for Constitutional independent institutions and other independent institutions established by law", as amended.
- Law 35/2023, On the competences to establish salaries, other financial compensations and incomes for public administration institutions employees and for setting minimum salary for the country
- Law no. 9049/2003, On the declaration and audit of assets, financial obligations of elected persons and certain public officials, as amended
- Law no. 9049/2003, On the declaration and audit of assets, financial obligations of elected persons and certain public officials, as amended
- Law 9131/2003, On the rules of ethics in the public administration
- Law 9367/2005, On the prevention of conflicts of interest in the exercise of public functions, as amended
- Law No. 138/2015 On Guaranteeing the Integrity of Persons who are elected, appointed or exercise Public Functions
- Law No. 138/2015 On Guaranteeing the Integrity of Persons who are elected, appointed or exercise Public Functions
- Law no. 60/2016, “On whistleblowing and whistle-blowers protection”, as amended
- Law 10221/2010, On protection against discrimination, as amended
- Law 10237/2010, On safety and health at work, as amended
- Law 49/2012 On Administrative Courts and the Adjudication of Administrative Disputes
- Law 154/2014 "On the organization and functioning of the State Supreme Audit"
- Law 115/2014, On the Administrative-Territorial Division of Local Government Units of the Republic of Albania
- Law 139/2015, On the Local Self Government
- Law 68/2017, On the Local Self Government Finance
- Law No. 102/2020 On Regional Development and Cohesion
- Law 119/2014, On the Right to Information
- Law 146/2014, On the Notification and Public Consultation
- Law no. 107-2021, On Co-governance
- Law 43/2023, On Electronic Governance, as amended
- Law 43/2023, On Electronic Governance, as amended
- Law 33/2022, On open data and reuse of public sector information
- Law 10325/2010, On state databases
- Law 9887/2008, On personal data protection, as amended
- Law 9887/2008, On personal data protection, as amended
- Decision of Council of Ministers no. 893, dated 17.12.2014, "On adoption of the rules of organization and functioning of the supporting cabinets, internal organization of the state administration institutions and the detailed procedures of the preparation, proposal, consulting and approval of the internal organization", as amended
- Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 584, dated 28.8.2003, “On the approval of the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers”, as amended
Current focus in PAR
The NSDEI 2022-2030 has a dedicated chapter on ‘Good, open governance and public administration’. Strategic objectives and policy objectives are defined as follow:
- Strengthening the principles of good governance through quality management of the common evaluation framework as a European instrument for orientation towards performance and quality in public administration at the central and local level;
- Effective strategic planning and policy-making based on evidence, inclusive and transparent in central and local government;
- Increasing the capacity of public administration;
- Transparent institutions with high integrity, which enjoy the trust of citizens and guarantee quality and incorruptible service;
- A responsible, open and transparent public administration;
- An accessible, affordable and citizen-focused service delivery;
- Targeted solutions for local authorities through an integrated governance approach at several levels;
- Guaranteeing a public finance system that promotes transparency, accountability, fiscal discipline and efficiency in the management and use of public resources for the provision of improved services and economic development.
ReSPA Support
On-demand support
- Drafting the Action Plan 2023-2025 of the National Cyber Security Strategy and the Methodology for the Identification of Critical and Important Information Infrastructures (2023)
- Training on Open Government Partnership (OGP) Standards (2023)
- Drafting the Action Plan 2023-2025 of the National Cyber Security Strategy and the Methodology for the Identification of Critical and Important Information Infrastructure Support in the process of preparation of the new Public Finance Management strategy by drafting the methodology and refining the document Menu of Challenges (2023)
- Supporting the development of the Cross-Cutting Public Administration Reform Strategy 2023-2030 (2023)
- Support Albanian authorities on strategic financial and budget planning related to the Action Plan 2023-2025 of the National Cyber Security Strategy and Methodology for the Identification of Critical and Important Information Infrastructures in Albania (2023)
- Expertise in strengthening the capacities of the Albanian public administration on management and coordination of Sector Budget Support Instruments (Sector Reform Contracts) (2022)
- Roadmap on Good Governance and Public Administration 2030 (2022)
- Strengthening the managerial accountability in general government units in Albania and raising awareness on the delegation of managerial tasks (2021)
- Organization and delivery of a Training of Trainers Programme for Regulatory Impact Assessment and Impact Assessment Methodology in Albania (2021)
- Developing the new Passport of Indicators for monitoring the Cross-Cutting Public Administration Reform Strategy for the period 2021-2022 (2021)
- Improving the recruitment process in the Albanian Civil Service with a special focus on the Interview phase (2021)
- Increase the usage and awareness of the importance and benefits of HR information Systems in the Albanian Public Administration, with a special focus on the local level (preparation of video tutorials) (2021)
Short mobility programme
- Mobility visit of the representatives of the Prime Minister`s Office of Albania to the Government of the Czech Republic, 4 participants (2024)
Horizontal facility
- PACE Exchange Week “A forward-looking approach of a career in the civil service”, 1 participant (2024)
- Summer School on EU Better Regulation and EU Integration, 2 participants (2024)
- EGPA 2024 Conference "Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services", 1 participant (2024)
- ReSPA Scholarships for attending the ETGN Summer School on Agile Governance, 1 participant (2023)
- Data.europa.eu workshop for data providers, Denmark 1 participant (2023)
- 31st NISPAcee Conference, 2 participants (2023)
- Summer School “Learn to meet the administrative challenges of tomorrow in Europe”, 1 participant (2023)
Good practice examples
- E-Albania - the government portal offering 95% of public services online
- Salary increase for public administration employees
- Launch of the Cross-Sector Anti-Corruption Strategy 2024-2030
- Reenergisation of Public Administration
- Motivation Package for Public Administration
- Modernisation of Administration
- Leadership Development Programme
- Cascade Objectives and Performance Evaluation
- Public Administration Fair
- Young Cells Albania
- Use of artificial intelligence in the work of public administration & establishment of the Innovation and Excellence Agency
- Introducing the Administration 2030
- The Roadmap for Public Administration Reform 2023-2030
ReSPA Governing Board Members
Ministerial Level | |
Governing Board Member (Ministerial Level) | Substitute Member |
Ms Adea Pirdeni Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption | |
Senior Officials Level | |
Governing Board Member (Senior Officials Level) | Substitute Member |
Ms Enkela Dudushi, Director of Public Administration Department Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit, Tirana | Mr Ened Kercini, Director Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit, Tirana |
Mr Endri Gjata Department of Public Administration | Bulevardi "Zogu i I" Nr. 15 1001 Tirana |