Learning corner
Measuring environmental performance in the public sector (French and English)
The Court of Auditors is organizing a study day on the theme “Measuring environmental performance in the public sector”, Thursday February 6, 2025 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the Grand’chamber of the Court of Auditors and by videoconference.
Introduced by the First President, this day will give rise to the intervention of French and foreign experts, leaders of administrations and public organizations, as well as elected officials and community representatives, around four round tables on the following themes:
- The concepts of environmental accounting: macroeconomic approach, convergences and divergences at the international level
- Environmental accounting tools: examples of implementation in public organizations
- Public green budget experiences: method, successes, limits
- Extra-financial environmental reporting in the public sector: should the reporting standards currently being disseminated in the private sector be transposed to the public sector?
Interpreting in French and English will be provided, allowing videoconference monitoring in these two languages.
Please check the agenda and register at the following link: https://evenium.events/journee-d-etude-mesurer-la-performance-environnementale-dans-le/programme-agenda